For the uninitiated, a primary school teacher profession may
seem as simple and uncomplicated as the multiplication table. In fact, it
really so difficult to teach young children basic math and writing as well,
even if the writing on the free theme "How I Spent My Summer"?
"To this end, a special education and do not need, especially
higher!" - many will think and make mistakes .... After all, first graders
mentor should know, no less than any teacher of subject. And, most likely, much
more ...
pedagogical poem
Do you ever wonder what a tremendous burden of
responsibility lies with the primary school teachers. Unlike his colleagues,
high school students reading chemistry or history, elementary school teacher
must not only provide new knowledge, but also to educate: to develop abilities
and high moral qualities of students.
"A good teacher leads the lesson, as if all my life
know what read just last night," - says the school of wisdom. This joke
has some truth, because each business day the teacher is obliged to thoroughly
prepare: view lot of books, metodichek and magazines, pick bright examples from
life and literature, to find a suitable table and illustration ... But how to
properly think through the course of employment, find an individual approach to
the slowness and Kolya, and savvy Katyusha, what teaching methods to use - this
is not comprehend in a single evening. There can not do without the fundamental
knowledge, and not just teaching.
Where to teach? The profession of teacher of junior classes
today only give higher specialized schools: teacher training schools, colleges,
institutes and universities.
diagram of "nurturing", allowed a fairly effectively cope with the
shortage of human resources in the post-war years (when the country desperately
short of qualified personnel, and teaching was enough to end people's teacher
training) was a forced measure. Many understood that deal with the education of
the younger generation can only be enlisted thorough preparation. Thus, the
classic of the national teachers Vasily Sukhomlinsky as director Pavlyshskoy
rural school, forced all teachers, under threat of dismissal, to get higher
education. Such a constructive approach has not lost its relevance even today.
Where to do? State of professions states for primary school
teacher is required associate's degree. It is no wonder that training in this
area until recently was considered the prerogative of the educational
institutions I-II levels of accreditation (teacher training colleges and
colleges). However, specialized departments are increasingly open and in
universities. Bachelor degree in "initial training" can now be
obtained from the National Pedagogical University named after Mikhail
Dragomanov and Kyiv City Pedagogical University named after Boris Grinchenko.
By the way, the decision of the Municipality, since 2008 in the last three
entered the Kiev Pedagogical College: city; Ushinsky name; and the Main
Department of Education and Science of Kyiv City State Administration.
Test ... Unfortunately, the teacher profession is breaking
all records for unpopularity. According to the latest sociological research, it
ranks third in the ranking of the least prestigious occupations (due to the low
salaries in the public sector and the difficult working conditions). But
although the main streams of young people flock to the legal and financial
faculty, admissions pedagogical universities are in no hurry to lower the bar
admission requirements, especially in the state order. Applicants are tested on
knowledge of the Ukrainian language and literature as well as history or
What to
choose? primary school teacher called to be a jack of all trades: the teacher
and educator, and artist and musician. In its direct responsibilities -
conducting not only reading and math lessons, but lessons of singing, labor
training, physical training ... However, some disciplines (foreign
language, fine arts or computer science) sometimes commit narrow specialists. But make sure those who not only know
their subject, but also know how to teach him to primary school-age children.
Each entrant pedagogical high school may choose one of the specializations:
initial training and practical psychology;
initial training and foreign language;
primary education and
the fine arts;
initial training and
computer science;
initial training and
sports and organizational activity.
Differentiation allows young professionals to work not only
classroom teachers but also the subject teachers in elementary school classrooms
or psychological specialists.
professional growth
You want to expand the scope of employment? Walk to the
magistracy, of course, taking care of pre-bachelor's degree. The title of
Master of pedagogy gives the right to hold office:
an elementary school
teacher pedagogy in
higher education;
psychologist or subject teacher (foreign language, computer science, fine
The curricula of the initial training faculties - up to
fifty items. Future Makarenko and Sukhomlinsky study psychology and pedagogy,
language and literature, history, law, political science and economics, physics
and mathematics, chemistry and anatomy, music, painting, and even ... the
Experts believe, in so saturated is not listed a single
extra discipline. The teacher should be fully developed personality - only then
he can become a good example for students.
Language and Literature
Competent speech - the card of any specialist, especially
the teacher. Who else but the junior school teacher is required to teach
children how to properly formulate and express their thoughts (build grammar:
phrases, sentences, texts), use bright artistic momentum? Not to mention the
most challenging task that falls to mentor kids - learning to read and write.
Before working with the first-graders, students gain comprehensive knowledge of
the mother tongue: orthoepy, phonetics, lexicology, grammar. As part of the
high school program in literature are considered not only the works of Russian
and foreign classics, but also the children's fairy tales, poems, novels ...
Otherwise, the teacher can bring the children to the educational meaning of the
story when he read it in the first class ?!
"Nothing is so firmly remember the students as the mistakes
of their teachers", - agree that the classic right. Especially if we are
talking about arithmetic. Wrong answers can seriously impair the authority of
the teacher. But the junior classes the program - not only the multiplication
table and the simplest tasks on the subject Bull's-flowered. Necessarily
considered and equations and inequalities, and some formula. This simple
material students must deeply comprehend and analyzed, actually go again.
Special attention is paid methods of studying mathematical operations and
concepts using visual aids: truism that 2 + 2 = 4 not have to explain to the
kids on the fingers, and using bright pictures and informative games.
Every teacher should take into account the psychological
characteristics of the child's age, the nuances of his temperament and
behavior, specificity of attention, memory, thinking ... Forget the teacher
that small children can not take dry uninteresting text, monotone voice - and
the effectiveness of the training is in doubt! Future teachers shtudiruet
general and developmental psychology, learning to form relationships in the
children's collective, positive atmosphere in the classroom. But focuses on the
study of the principles and methods of activation of thought processes younger
students, the development of attentiveness, memory, communication skills,
observation - all that helps them to learn from "excellent".
One of the basic core subjects, not having mastered that you
can not properly conduct a lesson, and it is simple to become a teacher. What
are the principles, methods, forms of training and education can use the
teacher? How effective are these or other methods of updating the knowledge and
skills of students? What didactic, educational and developmental objectives for
different types of activities (lectures, excursions, control and laboratory
work)? Answers to these and many other important issues only gives pedagogy.
Interestingly, in the framework of discipline required to study the works of
well-known foreign and domestic geniuses of educational thought: Jan Amos
Comenius, Constantine Ushinskogo Michael Dragomanov, Anton Makarenko, Basil
Sukhomlinsky ... It is because of the recognized classics, students will learn
how you can achieve heights in the profession.
Music and choreography
If you still do not know how to dance and play musical
instruments, in pedagogical high school quickly to correct this omission,
because many primary school teachers have to carry out their own rhythm and
singing lessons at school. Received for the student desk of knowledge - much
deeper than the study of the seven notes and basic ballet "pa".
Future music teachers are forced to not only learn the basics of playing the
piano and the accordion (even if you had not taken the tools in the hands), but
also come up with their own little music and dance songs!
Being a true teacher is not possible, even after reading the
most intelligent books and perfectly mastered the technique of studying of a
noun. To directly join the galaxy of professionals will need (except for
genuine love for children) something more - to be able to apply this knowledge
in practice. We note at once: not an easy task, so solve it in stages. First,
students hone their skills in the walls of the audience, holding fragments of
reading or mathematics lessons to classmates. Over time, high school teachers
lead them "in the light" - on demonstration lessons the best school
teachers, who really have something to learn. And only then freshly experts can
try their hand at business, and conducts classes for children (drawing,
singing, physical education - is no exception!). Only then given permission to
pre-diploma practice - and it is a few weeks of continuous teaching work! Young
teachers completely replace class teachers: lessons and conduct parent
conferences, assign grades for academic performance and behavior filled diaries
and great magazines ...
Ask whether the right after the successful completion of
such an important test students call teachers? Far from it. But they are given
the opportunity to see if they are properly chosen profession: Whether their
souls kids open. And it is no less important than the accumulation of years of
diligent study and pedagogical knowledge and skills. After all, as he claimed
Sukhomlinsky to become a true teacher and educator, "you need to give your
heart to the children."
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